St. Stephen parish extends the hospitality of Christ through a variety of ministries.
The areas of ministry include faith development, liturgy, parish life, communication and social outreach.
If you are interested in sharing your time and talent through parish ministry contact our pastoral associate to use your gifts in this community.

Liturgical Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers
Assist in distribution of Holy Communion during weekend liturgies.
The average schedule requires ministers to serve one or two Masses a month.
Proclamation of the first and second readings at weekend liturgies.
Schedules are done on a three-month basis and volunteers will lector approximately once a month.
Ministers of Hospitality
The warmth and hospitality of Christ are extended to all who enter our parish doors through this ministry.
Ministers of Hospitality welcome those attending liturgy, help with the collection, and are responsible for other duties.
Altar Servers
Any student grades 4-12 or adult can be an altar server.
Being a server is a wonderful way to participate in the liturgy while assisting the priest.
Sacramental Preparation
Parents that desire the Sacrament of Baptism for their infant need to attend a preparation class.
Please contact the Pastoral Associate to schedule class time.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year program for youth, beginning in the 7th grade for youth that has been in attendance at a Catholic school or the Youth Faith Formation Program. Parents are encouraged to contact the Youth Faith Formation Coordinator with any questions about specific circumstances. Any adult wishing to receive the sacrament should contact the Parish Office.
Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to setting a wedding date. Diocesan and Parish guidelines for Marriage preparation will be followed.

The music ministry at St. Stephen enhances the liturgy and invites the assembly to active participation.
Cantors, choir members, and instrumentalists are invited to be a part of the music ministry.

Small Christian Communities
Small Christian Communities is a program that enables parishioners to learn and grow in their faith in a safe confidential environment. Small groups, 8-12 parishioners, meet for six weeks in the fall and again in the spring under the guidance of a trained facilitator. Together they read Scripture, share faith, pray and support one another. If you are not part of a small Christian Community consider joining one at the next session.

St. Vincent DePaul
This organization of lay persons under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, seeking a spirit of justice and charity, lends tremendous assistance to those in need in the community. The members of this ministry are involved in outreach in a variety of ways. Some of the many ways they serve the community are through food collections, school supply collections, participation in the “Friends of the Poor Walk”, Kitchen Keepers, recycling and various other activities. Meeting are the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm at the rectory.

Youth ministry is open to all high school parishioners grades 9-12. Some events are open to 7th & 8th grade students as well. Together we gather to plan service projects, grow in our faith, and have fun. The youth ministry team is always seeking adults to walk with the youth in faith. Volunteers are needed to coordinate events, and lead programs. If you are interested in joining the youth group or are an adult that would like to volunteer, please contact our Pastoral Associate, Jeanne.
This organization sponsors monthly coffee and doughnuts after Mass, the annual BBQ, Trivia Nights, and pancake breakfasts. All Men of the parish are welcome to join the Men’s Club. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month and food is served.

St. Anne's Alter Society
St. Anne’s altar society is involved in many areas of parish life. Some of the activities include care for the general needs of the altar, the prayer chain, quilting, funeral brunch preparation, and other social functions as directed by the pastor. Meeting of the society is the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Some of its members gather to make quilts for the Quilt of the month drawings. Members and non-members of the sodality are welcome to quilt on Tuesdays 9:00 am until 12:00 pm and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

Welcome Team
St. Stephen parish is committed to being the presence of Christ in the community. We believe it is our responsibility to be the face of Christ to all we meet. The Welcome Team works to make a difference in the lives of those who join our parish and those just visiting. The Welcome Team hosts community building events and welcomes recently registered parishioners on a regular basis, and visits homes of new parishioners that are interested in learning more about parish life. If you are new to the area and are interested in joining the parish, contact the office to register.